Motivators and Creators Elite site is the membership network of Motivators and Creators Women's (MACs Women's Group). 

The Motivators and Creators Elite site is about women helping women. By participating in the Motivators and Creators  Women's Group Elite events as well as utilizing the resources available to you on this site you can build your network of women professionals and develop skills that can enhance both your career and professional life

Our monthly Conversations and Cocktails Dinner Meetings include :

  • Networking opportunities with other women in business
  • Informative and engaging guest speakers with Q & A
  • ©Presenting You!  Perfecting that elevator pitch - real life tools that can be used to increase your presence and confidence as a woman in business.
  • Marketing material distribution: business cards, brochures, etc.
  • Plus much, much, more......
Future Members Click Here


 e-ELITE Newsletter  Returns Sept. 10th!


Brigitte Shotiminrin

Owner of WellSpring Holistic Health Care

A tri-lingual native of Switzerland, Brigitte Shotiminrin, Founder and Director of WellSpring, is a veteran spa therapist, nutritionist and holistic healthcare professional. From her years spent working with
people of all generations and cultures in facilities and spas in Europe, Africa and the United States, Brigitte also natively speaks the universal language of wellness. A knowledgeable, passionate and enthusiastic “Detox Missionary”, she has been serving her New York area clients for over ten years. WellSpring is the culmination of her training and
certification through various spa and holistic health practices, and her ongoing, extensive research.

VISIT Brigitte's Facebook Page HERE!

It's All About You!

Q: What prompted you to become an entrepreneur?
I actually have always been an entrepreneur. In Europe only part time, but when I moved to NY in 1998 I became a full time entrepreneur because there were no Job opportunities for the kind of work that I am doing like treating my Patients syndrome reactions with Holistic Treatments,Nutrition and nutritional Supplements.

Q: Women supporting women is such a wonderful experience. How would you say you have benefited from this dynamic?

I benefited from this dynamic through my Patients I work very close with.

Q: Networking with others can be key for women in business. Have you found this to be an effective way to increase your client base?

Yes very much so. I stopped advertising a long time ago, because going out and sharing has invited the Patients in to the Wellness Center.

Q:What do you enjoy doing, besides working?

Activities like Yoga, Swimming, Hiking and Socializing and taking care of my 3 year old Grand Girl.

April's Featured Member

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