Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: Ristorante Buona Sera
546 Gramatan Ave, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
914 665 9800

Cost: $35 Elite Members / $45 Future Members
  @ the door          
A Networking Dinner Exclusively for MACs Elite Members Join our Group Here:


Elevator Pitch: The Original Tweet

As with all things, practice makes perfect! Join us on Tuesday, April 6, 2010 from 6pm - 8pm
Fun Pre-Dinner Information - see below...

The elevator pitch is just as important today than ever before. Many people use networking events to drum up business. It’s important to give a clear, confident, qualified elevator pitch at these times, or when you happen to find you’re sharing an elevator with a prospect you’ve been wanting to talk to for weeks. In these impromptu situations, having your elevator pitch on the tip of your tongue is a godsend. Be ready to make your pitch, at any time, face-to-face or tweet-to-tweet, if you’re a social media maven

This Month’s fun thing:

Can you explain to a prospect about your business within a minute? If not, then the Elevator Pitch Builder tool from the Harvard Business School can be a helpful resource. It’s an interactive tool that will guide you step-by-step in developing an effective sales pitch.

This is a fun, interactive and creative exercise. Share the elevator pitch you create along with other MACs Elite Members at the
Conversations and Cocktails Elite Members Dinner, this can be a helpful resource.

 It’s an interactive tool that will guide you step-by-step in developing an effective sales pitch.
Elevator Sales Pitch Tool


Balancing the Superwoman Act

Learn how to:

 - find peace and balance in your life by being true
   to yourself

- how to create a focus calendar/vision board

- apply the “Superwoman” principles and techniques
  to your business

- use energy management vs. time management

- delegate for success


Balancing the Superwoman Act

Balancing the Superwoman Act:
Tips and techniques for getting more done, spending more time with family and achieving more.

Superwomen are often identified as those women who do it all, they run a business; take care of kids, the husband, the house, the laundry, the car, everything and everyone in between. Balancing the Superwoman act starts with taking off some of the weight we carry and directing our energy to get more done without burn out.



Lucinda Cross is a speaker, author and mom.
Now founder of Corporate Mom Dropouts, blog, radio show and book. She is also the co-creator of Business Baby Shower Contest which celebrates mom entrepreneurs and rewards them with the tools they need to succeed. For several years, she has made it her life’s mission to uplift, inspire and change people’s lives.

She likes to call herself a catalyst for motivation, passion and high energy and has worked with small business owners supporting them to work on their business and not in their business, and women who were interested in learning how to work from home and take charge and create the life they love.
Her life has been filled with wonderful experiences – from being a single mother, to a Mompreneur, sharing her gifts as a marketing strategist, mentor and writer she uses that wisdom and insight to motivate moms to create a better life, a better community and a better business. She has been featured on ABC News, a contributing writer to several business women blogs and Featured in New York Enterprise, Black Star News, Harlem News, 1600am, LA Business Week, Essence Magazine, several Internet Radio shows.

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